Imagine the Possibilities

Has the thought of creating, painting, tapping into your Creative Soul been on your mind lately?

Let’s talk about it……

Imagine for a moment that you could fly.

What would that feel like?

Would you exhibit fear, excitement or a sense of calm?

Would you even think that it is possible?

Now shift that moment to creativity. What if I put a large white canvas in front of you and asked you to create something?

What would that feel like?

Would you exhibit fear, excitement or a sense of a calm?

Would you even think that it is possible to even create something?

Be honest here. Simply making up an answer because you think its what someone else wants to hear won’t help.

Hmm, were there any differences in your answers - flying and creating? Just asking….


Let’s go a bit further:

Would you trust me to take you on that creative journey from start to finish? Would you allow me to tap whatever feeling comes out and let it out on the canvas?

Does the thought of someone guiding you through creative transformation make you uncomfortable?

And, why does creativity scare you?

Are you afraid of creating something ugly (in your eyes or others might view it that way?)

Are you afraid of creating something beautiful?


What if you created something amazing? What if your creation touches someone else and inspires them to create? That contagious act continues to the next, and the next….

What if creating something changes you? What if it opens your eyes to see differently? What if all of your senses could adjust to this shift?

Do you think you could change the world by your small contribution of creating?

Grab a notebook, a warm cup of tea and sit quietly and think about it. If you have been dabbling in being creative, wanting to create more, or simply just thinking about it - what is preventing you from moving forward?

You know the best part of creating is it doesn’t fit into just one concrete answer - there are no set rules and it is up to you on how far you want to journey through it, if you want to share or not, or maybe you want to teach others. You set the boundaries and the journey.

So, if being more creative has been on your mind - take some time to ask yourself a few questions (you don’t have to have all the answer right now either)

but, open your mind and,

Imagine the possibilities…….


The Goddess Project


I Am an Introvert and Proud of it!